
Albany Rowing Center

Founded in 1984 as the Organization of Adirondack Rowers and Scullers, the Albany Rowing Center (ARC) is located on the Hudson River in downtown Albany, and is committed to providing recreational and competitive rowing opportunities for both youth and adults.


The mission of ARC is to stimulate and foster interest in the sport of rowing among amateurs; to publicize the benefits of rowing as a means of health and physical development; to uphold the principles and standards of amateur rule; and to promote interest in the sport of rowing through competition and the holding of regattas. ARC will use every reasonable means to advance and promote amateur rowing in accordance with the best traditions of sportsmanship, and will purposefully act to accomplish its mission.


Albany Rowing Center was incorporated as the Organization of Adirondack Rowers and Scullers, Inc. in 1984 under section 402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation law of New York State. In the year 2000, the Organization filed with the Department of State to use Albany Rowing Center as its official business name.


Bylaws of ARC are kept by the Secretary and updated as needed through votes cast by the members.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission develops and enforces laws to prevent discrimination in hiring. ARC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its hiring practices.


Board of Directors

The day to day business of the organization is guided by an all volunteer Board of Directors consisting of nine members. Board elections are held each November at the annual meeting when 4 new members are elected. The Board itself elects the officers of the club [President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer]. Each Director serves for either a 2 or 3 year term. Terms expire on December 31st, the end of the fiscal year.

ARC Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy adapted in 2015 from the National Council of Nonprofits.

2025 Board

PresidentEric Breimer
Vice PresidentRebecca Clark
TreasurerMichelle Conway
SecretaryTanya Burton
DirectorKatherine Bollin 3-years2026
DirectorLouise Farrell 3-years2026
DirectorSamin Khan 2-years2026
DirectorJulia Morris 3-years2025
DirectorJanith Samarasinghe 2-years2026
Past PresidentAnne Murphy
Until new president is elected

Term expires at the end of the year indicated.

Membership Info

Membership is open to all. All members are required to register and pay an annual membership fee, which is currently $295 per year. This fee covers individual membership in USRowing and ARC's administrative and operational costs. Members who register to row in one of our Rowing Programs, pay additional program dues. Those who join as members but do not register to row in a program are considered "at large" members.

To join and row with us, find a program that is right for you and complete the registration form.

Rowing Programs
ARC Registration Form

USRowing Membership

ARC is an affiliated member of USRowing, the governing body for the sport of rowing in the United States. USRowing requires individual membership for everyone in an affiliated club. ARC covers the cost of USRowing individual membership as part of our annual membership fee. ARC enrolls new members into USRowing and renews returning members annually.

USRowing requires adults over the age of 18 to complete Safe Sport training. The core training is 90 minutes and a 30 minute refresher course is required annually. In addition, some regattas require rowers to sign participation waivers.

If you would like to login to your individual US Rowing account, email info@albanyrowingcenter.org for login credentials and instructions for setting your password.

ARC's USRowing member number is 1426

Our team code is MDTWB

US Rowing Login

Our Name

ARC's official name is Organization of Adirondack Rowers and Scullers, Inc.

USRowing lists us as O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center

For regatta entries and results, we could be listed as ARC Albany RC OARS


ARC uses a club management system called iCrew for program registrations, payments, practice attendance, and more. If you cannot login to your iCrew account, email info@albanyrowingcenter.org. ARC's iCrew club code is a1r2c3

iCrew Login

Annual Members Meeting

As required by the Bylaws of the Organization, the club holds an Annual Meeting of the members during the first week of November. This is a business meeting to update the members on financial status and program accomplishments of the club and to elect new members to the Board of Directors. All dues-paying members and parents of Junior members have the privilege of attending the meeting and voting in Board elections. See ARC's Club Calendar for the date of the members meeting.

Club Calendar


Much of the essential work of the club is performed by volunteers acting as part of a committee.

  • Rebecca Clark
  • Janith Samarasinghe
  • Kevin McIlvain
  • Prasad Shinde
  • Jessica Weintraub
  • Rebecca Clark
  • Tanya Burton
  • Prasad Shinde
  • Lisa Chase
Marketing & Public Relations
  • Katherine Bollin
  • Samin Khan
  • Hillary Mann
  • Eric Breimer (Webmaster)
Membership & Recruitment
  • Katherine Bollin
  • Anne Murhpy
Outreach & Scholarships
  • Samin Khan
  • Rebecca Clark
  • Louise Farrell
  • Samin Khan
  • Michelle Conway
  • Anne Murphy
  • Julia Morris
City of Albany Liaison
  • Anne Murphy
Parents of Albany Rowing - Chair
  • Marla Gornstein

To volunteer for a committee or ask any question regarding these committees, please contact the Board of Directors at boardofdirectors@albanyrowingcenter.org.

Financial Info

Tax Exempt Status

Albany Rowing Center is a tax exempt organization under Section 501c(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code and holds a determination letter issued in April 1991. ARC annually files an income report to the IRS, as required. ARC is not required to pay tax on income as long as the club continues to operate under the terms of its determination letter. For more information about tax exempt organizations, see IRS website for Charities and Non-Profits.

New York State Charities Registration

ARC is a registered charity in New York State (ID = 16-10-75), and is annually required to file a financial statement with the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau. A copy of the organization's latest tax filing and financial review may be obtained via NYS Charities Registry.

Grants and Awards

Through the efforts of member volunteers who use their business skills to seek out and apply for grants and corporate awards, ARC has been fortunate to receive funding from various sources for upgrades to the club's facilities and equipment, including docks, safety equipment and oars.

ARC is grateful to all of the governmental agencies and private corporations that have provided support for the club and the sport of rowing in the Capital District.

List of Grants Awarded
Year Grantor Amount Purpose
2024Discover Albany$5,000Head of the Hudson Event
2024Stewart's Shops$400Megaphones for Launches
2023Stewart's Holiday Match$400Safety Equipment for Launches
2023Discover Albany$3,000Head of the Hudson Event
2023Albany County ARPA$25,000Pandemic Recovery Assistance
2022Discover Albany$3,400Learn-to-Row Day & Head of Hudson
2022Stewart's Holiday Match$350Towards Boat Motor
2022Stewart's Monetary Donation$2,500Dock Upgrades
2022City of Albany ARPA$40,000Dock Ramps & Upgrades
2021Stewart's Monetary Donation$5,000Dock Upgrades
2021Stewart's Holiday Match Program$350New Launch Motor
2016 Albany Visitors Bureau $3,500 2017 Head of the Hudson Event Marketing
2014 HRIF $10,000 Feasibility Study for New Boathouse
2014 MVP "Project Go!" $2,500 Winter Training Equipment
2013 Albany Visitors Bureau $4,500 Event Marketing
2011 NYS HREP $63,000 Docks
2011 Race with Us $1,000 Ice Breaker 5K
2010 HRIF $7,182 Docks
2009 Liberty Mutual $2,500 8 Sweep Oars
2009 NYS Quadricentennial$1,000 Information Access
2008 HRIF $5,000 Docks
2008 Standish Family Fund$21,000 Safety Ramp
2007 NYS HREP $14,100 Docks
2007 Standish Family Fund$15,950 Safety Launches
2006 Standish Family Fund$1,000 Safety Equipment
2006 NYS DCFS* $3,000 New Sculling Oars
2006 HRIF $10,000 Docks
2005 HR Greenway $10,500 Docks
2000 NYS OPRHP** $2,500 Boat Trailer
2000 NYS HREP $25,000 Boathouse Siting Study
2000 HRIF $20,000 Docks

*DCFS = Division for Children and Family Services
**OPRHP = Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation



ARC is an urban rowing club and conducts its programs out of the City of Albany Boat Shed located near the public boat launch in the Hudson River Corning Preserve. The Boat Shed is under the elevated roadway of Interstate 787 and is managed by the City of Albany Department of General Services. This facility is bare bones basic with no amenities - but it is home to our teams, and ARC strives to do its part to maintain the facility and keep it clean and organized.

ARC shares the boathouse with several other rowing clubs including the Albany Irish Rowing Club and the Shaker Rowing Association. Boats and oars are stored on racks both inside the boathouse and out in the yard. Boat trailers, trucks and safety launches are all kept inside the locked fence of the boatyard.

Directions to the Boathouse
2005 Boathouse Siting Study



ARC owns and maintains the floating docks at the Corning Preserve Boat Launch. The docks are free and open to the public.

In 2023, ARC replaced the metal ramps that connect the dock to the bulkhead.

From 2005-2013, ARC systematically upgraded the quality and safety of the dock by replacing the Jetfloats with Connect-a-Dock floats. Jetfloats can be unstable underfoot and the transition from the bulkhead down to the dock was uneven and sometimes treacherous for rowers to negotiate while carrying rowing shells overhead. The Connect-a-Dock upgrade provided a more stable surface that is easier to walk on.

The project was implemented by the volunteers of ARC. Regatta Dock Systems designed and constructed special hinge brackets for connecting large sections of dock together, which allows the dock to flex at critical joints, lessening the stress caused by large wakes from boats cruising by on the Hudson River.

Funding for the dock has been provided by Albany Rowing Center and the following:

  • Stewart's/Dake Family
  • City of Albany ARPA Grant
  • Hudson Valley Greenway
  • Hudson River Improvement Fund
  • New York State Environmental Protection Fund
  • Standish Family Fund of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region.


The ARC fleet of rowing shells includes a variety of types and sizes that allows the coaches to train our teams for competition in sweep and sculling events, in both large and small boats.

List of Boats

Year Make Type Name
2023 Wintech Light-weight Quad Fort Orange
2023 Fluidesign Mid-weight Quad Neil Evans
2021 Fluidesign Mid-weight Pair/Double The Fast n' The Yurious
2015 Swift Club A Quad Loon
2014 King Super Lightweight Eight Capitol
2014 Swift Single Merganser
2014 Swift Single Bufflehead
2014 Vespoli V1 Coxed Four  
2013 Vespoli Ultralite Eight (medium) Lewis A. Swyer
2010 Fluidesign Quad Black Swan
2010 Vespoli Ultralite Eight (small) Class of 2012
2010 Vespoli M2 Quad Cormorant
2007 Vespoli Matrix 31 Pair/Double Heron
2005 Vespoli Racer DM Eight Assiduity
2005 Vespoli Racer DS Eight  
2005 Vespoli Racer DS Eight  
2005 Vespoli Racer DM Four Lenore Kuwik
2005 Vespoli Racer DM Four Neil S. Kaye
2005 Vespoli Performer Quad "Big Blue"
2003 Vespoli Performer Eight Osprey
2003 Vespoli Matrix 31 Pair/Double Kingfisher
2003 Peinert Single (Blue) Ruddy Duck
2003 Maas Single Goose
2003 Maas Training Single Mallard
???? Dirigo Single (Yellow) Flycatcher
1995 Vespoli Pair/Double Heavy Double
1990 Coffey Lightweight Single Dipper
Boat Naming History